So, its a beautiful June day, the sky is a brilliant blue and there are candyfloss white clouds in the sky.  You are sat out in your garden enjoying the wonderful sunshine beating against your face.  While you look around admiring the shrubs and flowers in the garden, your eyes look at some commotion happening around the bird box high against your pergola.  Instead of birds buzzing about the box, you notice some smaller furry creatures going in and out of the hole there.  On further inspection you notice that there are in fact Bumble Bees buzzing into the hole in the box.  The first thought that goes through your mind is sheer panic.. Oh no, buzzing stinging insects in the garden!  We can’t be safe!.  Well, in fact, you couldn’t be further than the truth.  There are approximately 250 species of Bees within the UK, 24 of these are species of bumblebees, one of them is the only British species of Honey bee and the remaining 225 species are classed as solitary bee.  Bumblebees are certainly not aggressive insects and are usually only interested in finding flowers to gather pollen.  Having Bumblebees take up residence in your garden can be an amazing opportunity to teach your children all about these much needed pollinators and how we can live along side them. The numbers of Bumblebees present in a nest can vary greatly depending on the specific species and time of year.  An established nest may house upto 400 Bees.  If you are not happy about sharing your garden with a Bumblebee population, you can call a good reputable pest control company like us.  So far this season, we have successfully collected and re-homed 12 Bumblebee nests.  At Advance Pest Control Bristol we fully recognise the vital importance of our Bee population and will always help to see them re-homed into a suitable and safe environment.




Bumblebees saying hello from a bird box removed from a Bristol garden